The top two pictures were taken on the street next to my house a block away from each other. Despite my affection for both tofu and pax I am not responsible for either demonstration of anti-social behavior, or whatever it is people call graffiti.
I don't know that the bottom shot needs much color commentary. Surprisingly, the pay parking fills up quite quickly. That's at the South Tipperary General Hospital for an inquiring/nosey minds.
The 10 days after I returned from Clonmel were busy spent learning about chi squares, one-way anova tests, and other drool-inducingly boring statistics. I sort of learned some things about statistics, though they kind of skipped the beginner level stuff to get straight to the intermediate which is the stuff we'll actually need to know when we do our final med project (which may be done in 4th year, but probably won't change the name). So really I have no idea what those tests are, but I sure can make some cool looking graphs on the program SPSS.